Monday, November 25, 2019

Why buy when you can build essays

Why buy when you can build essays Computers have revolutionized the world, as we know it. They have been of means of improvement of life from Aeronautics to Zoology (A Z), and a plethora of other fields as well. Computers have been the backbone of technological advancement and organization necessary for this knowledge explosion of the 21st century. However, what do we owe most of the driving force behind the eruption in computer advancement? Would you guess the video game? Thats right the good ole video game. Could you have ever guess that Ataris pong would be a major contributor to the rapid acceleration in computer technology. I began to get into computers in 1995 and paid a sum of $1500.00 for my first custom built PC. If I recall it was a 486 DX2 80 IBM Clone with 16 Megs of Ram, I even splurged with a luxurious 15-inch monitor, all built by a 16 year old high school student. I couldnt believe it but he brought it to my house and set it up and I was off on my journey. I purchased my next pc from the not so beloved Best Buy department store, where the sales reps where quick to tell me that the unit I wished to purchase was fully upgradeable, they failed to tell me however that it was limited to the memory only. All other components were integrated (built onto the motherboard). Realizing that the only way I could know what was going on, was to jump off into this process of building my own system. The purpose of this paper is to inform you that it is possible for you the reader as well. Let me wet your appetite, that in building your own personal computer you can save hundreds of dollars at least that was the case 5 or so years ago. Now companies like Dell and Compaq can offer complete systems for less money. This is what the experts of PC Mechanic have to say: If you go to buy a pre-built PC by HP or Compaq, they are fine. But, keep in mind that, often, PC manufacturers reduce price by using lesser quality parts....

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